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Presentation of the Massolini Calendar, dedicated this year to Samaria

09 December 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
Presentation of the Massolini Calendar, dedicated this year to Samaria
Presentation of the Massolini Calendar, dedicated this year to Samaria

The new “Massolini Calendar 2012”, which this year is dedicated to Samaria, will be presented on Friday, 9 December at 17.00 in the Conference Hall of the Museo di Santa Giulia in Brescia.

The Calendar retraces, month after month, the places and the historical, religious and artistic testimonies of this ancient Land, both beautiful and mystical.

Pictures and descriptions of Samaritan cities, including Sichem, Sabastiya, Jenin, are presented together with the figure, the life, and the death of St. John the Baptist, who was buried in this region following his martyrdom in Machaerus, in Jordan, and today is venerated by the faithful throughout the world.

Along with Giampietro Rigosa from the “Giovan Battista Massolini” Cultural Association, the curators for the event will be Carla Benelli and Osama Hamdan, collaborators with ATS pro Terra Sancta and coordinators of the project “Sebastiya, a site in the Holy Land from past to present”.

Making the introduction at the presentation will be Father Frédéric Manns, the Dean emeritus of the Faculty of Biblical Sciences and Archaeology (SBF) in Jerusalem.

ATS pro Terra Sancta invites everyone to participate in the presentation of the Calendar.

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