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Pictures of the Holy Land: images to narrate places, people and stories

30 May 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
Pictures of the Holy Land: images to narrate places, people and stories
Pictures of the Holy Land: images to narrate places, people and stories

ATS pro Terra Sancta has created its photographic galleries – many shots, taken by professionals and volunteers of the Custody of the Holy Land, collected by theme to “narrate the Holy Land” through images.

The situation in the Holy Land has been long characterized by complex political tensions, religious radical stands, constant emergencies and social unease. In this difficult context, the Franciscan presence of the Custody of the Holy Land has a unique value, supporting the local community in a number of ways, feeling the need to tell about the life, the necessities and the hopes of this Land of God and its inhabitants, together with the unique value of the Holy Sites, which it has faithfully guarded for 8 centuries.

ATS pro Terra Sancta, with the Franciscan Media Center and the publishing house Edizioni di Terra Santa, created the Terrasanctablog. They all believe that the entire world should know about the Holy Land and the Christian presence in the Middle East, still unknown to many. From here where the history of salvation saw its completion, a message of truth and peace must reach all cultures, all peoples.

This is the idea behind the photographic galleries by ATS pro Terra Sancta, now available on line at in the Photos, video and news section.

The images can be downloaded for free and used, just quoting as source ATS pro Terra Sancta or the website. The NGO of the Custody of the Holy Land also offers high resolution videos about the Holy Sites and the projects promoted to support the Christians in the Holy Land.

“The Holy Land is no common place; it is the land where our faith was born, where our roots are... We must root ourselves in the Christian testimony: we must bear witness, with our deeds, to a hope which does not fade in the face of reality. … The deeds and the concrete commitment of each one of us, our own account, must say who we are”

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