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Official handover of new houses to Christians in Jerusalem

01 October 2010
Pro Terra Sancta
Official handover of new houses to Christians in Jerusalem
Official handover of new houses to Christians in Jerusalem
68 Christian families have received, during an opening ceremony attended by the Custodian of the Holy Land, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the symbolic keys to the new apartments given to them in Jerusalem (Beit Faji) by the Custody of the Holy Land.
“It was a long process with many problems to face” said the Custodian of the Holy Land during the handover ceremony, referring to the long procedures necessary to obtain the habitation certificate from the Israeli Government “but we are glad to celebrate this event”. The Custody of the Holy Land has launched a program to support Christain families in Israel and Palestine aiming at preventing their emigration and thus preserving the Christian presence in the Holy Land. But the work goes on. Particularly, thanks to the project “Jerusalem, the stumbling stones” supported also by ATS pro Terra Sancta, the technical office of the Custody of the Holy Land has launched a wide work of  restoration and renovation of the houses of the Christians in Old Jerusalem to guarantee better living conditions.
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