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Educating Together: A day of training for the directors and teachers at the school of the Holy Land

29 October 2012
Pro Terra Sancta
Educating Together: A day of training for the directors and teachers at the school of the Holy Land
Educating Together: A day of training for the directors and teachers at the school of the Holy Land
On Wednesday the 3rd October we held a seminar entitled "Education as a relationship between all school actors: management, teachers, students and families", addressed to the directors of the school of the Holy Land and the teachers involved in the project “Supporting emergency education in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories”, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and delivered by ATS pro Terra Sancta and the AVSI Foundation. How to find a good connection between the education and the main figures at the school? The answer to that question was given by several experts on education who were guests during this Further Education conference. The top priority is to be able to respond to the demands of the school, with the aim of creating an atmosphere of confidence and mutual support. There has been a stage of important work with discussions, not only about the problems faced by the school, but also about the new opportunities of development and management, including  references to the methodology of  learning disability addressed to the students with learning difficulties. This conference was also important because it counted with the presence of the Custody of the Holy Land, Pizzaballa, ofm. Through a message of encouragement for the different school institutions, the Custodian transmitted his expectations of an improvement in the education sector in Jerusalem: “We can never stop thinking on how to improve the education methods— underlines Father Pizzaballa—while always trying to keep improving ourselves”. Many other experts from the sector also took part, including Fray Abdel Masih Fahim, coordinator of the Franciscan School of the Holy Land; Andrea Sansonetti, professor of Italian at the Sacro Cuore and consultant of the MAE projects, as well as Diana Daaboul, director of the David Yellin College in Jerusalem. It was also important to count with the presence of the Italian Cooperation, represented by Dr. Francesca Biondi, who expressed her satisfaction for the second year of development of the project “Supporting emergency education in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories”.
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