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Easter Monday: Lake Retreat for the Workers of the Custodial Technical Office Maintenance Team

20 April 2012
Pro Terra Sancta
Easter Monday: Lake Retreat for the Workers of the Custodial Technical Office Maintenance Team
Easter Monday: Lake Retreat for the Workers of the Custodial Technical Office Maintenance Team

Capernaum, April 9th, 2012

The workers of the Custodial Technical Office, including several Italians among the staff, spent a day together on Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee). Having set out from Jerusalem in the morning, they reached Capernaum, Jesus' city, just in time to cook lunch. Thanks to the hospitality of Father Jerome, the Guardian of the Franciscan Monastery, they were able to enjoy their meal on the marina.

Amidst the Galilean greenery, the young and not-so-young participants set about preparing lunch: Some cut up vegetables for the salad, others set out the various sauces in dishes, still others skewered chicken for the kebabs. A few took charge of keeping the grill going to roast meat and fish. Before long, thanks to team work, lunch was served!

Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims sat around a common table to share at last a day of relaxation after months of working together within the walls of the Old City.

The significant economic means that the Custody and ATS pro Terra Sancta (The Holy Land Association) employ to carry out the "Jerusalem, Stones of Memory" project serve also, and perhaps above all, to promote friendship and mutual understanding among the people of the Holy Land in the context of work, the instrument of sharing and solidarity.

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