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Harvest Pilgrimages collaboration

20 April 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
Harvest Pilgrimages collaboration
Harvest Pilgrimages collaboration
Holy SepulcreThe Custody of the Holy Land and ATS pro Terra Sancta are very happy to announce their first collaboration with the Australian travel agency Harvest Pilgrimages. One of our primary goals here at ATS is to spread news about the Holy Land to people from all over the world. The Holy Land is full of hidden stories of faith and courage that many are not aware of, thus we are so grateful that Harvest Pilgrimages have allowed us to expand our reach and continue our mission. Harvest Pilgrimages is headed by managing director Philip Ryall, who leads a dedicated team of pilgrimage experts. Decades of experience and a passion for the Holy Land make Harvest Australia’s ‘most trusted name’ in Catholic travel and experience. Specifically, Harvest has agreed to promote our new brochure on the Holy Sepulchre. This unique product gives a brief history of the church, also known as The Centre of the World, as well as large 3D map of the Sepulchre. It is the ideal tool for pilgrims who wish to visit the Holy Land and indentify with the life of Christ and, as St Francis taught, ‘follow in his footsteps’. We hope that this small initiative is the beginning of a long relationship with Harvest Pilgrimages and our first of many collaborations with the great country of Australia.  
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