It is not easy to describe them, you have to live them
The Holy Land represents the beating heart of Christianity. In these places, witness to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, there is today an immense historical, artistic and cultural richness. And this is why Pro Terra Sancta works tirelessly every day, alongside the Franciscan custody, in the maintenance and preservation of the sanctuaries of the Holy Land, with the aim of making them accessible to all.
Help us to preserve, enhance and promote the Holy Places!

The restoration of the archaeological elements of the Holy Sepulchre
The work of the Holy Sepulchre
"On Monday 14 the inauguration ceremony for the restoration of the pavement of the structure took place in Jerusalem, in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre..."
The remains of the decorative arch of the west portal
The traces of our faith
"During the Crusader era, a large basilica was built in Nazareth. The perimeter walls of this ancient sanctuary were rediscovered during the excavations for the construction of the current Basilica, but still awaiting restoration..."
The tomb of Lazarus
The House of Lazarus, Martha and Mary
"Bethany, in the Gospels a place of friendship, is today the scene of a conflict. Placed under the control of the Palestinian Authority, and therefore known in Arabic as al-Azariyeh ("place of Lazarus"), the city is in fact divided from nearby Jerusalem by the Israeli separation wall..."