Turn on a light in Syria!
In Syria, there is electricity for two to three hours during a day. Everything else is provided by the electric generator that runs on petrol with exorbitant costs.
Those who cannot afford it live in the dark.
Help us bring light to Syrian families!
Light, an essential asset that is almost taken for granted

In Syria there is public energy for a couple of hours a day. For the rest of the day the citizens have to make do. In the streets of Aleppo, there are thousands of wires intertwined in the streets connected to some private generators located in some parts of the city. Whoever wants to, but above all who can afford it, attaches himself to the generator and is supplied with a certain amount of electricity. The costs are exorbitant.
We in our homes (here in Italy) are used to light, electricity as a discounted and indispensable good. The standard in Italy is around ten amps.
There, the cost for one or two amps of electric current is very high. With one amp you light two or three light bulbs, with two amps it keeps four light bulbs on, but a single amp costs 1 euro per week.